What is this blog about? In a nutshell, it's about black and white darkroom photomontage. Every few weeks, a new image with a few words about it, kinda poetic, philsophical.
For more details - check out the archive, the first post, April 26, 2015.If you like what you see here, go to: www.bobbennettphoto.net
And if you'd like to learn more about how i do magic in the darkroom?
There's a link to some pages about that at the site too.
"Forget safety. Live where you fear to live.
Destroy your reputation.
Be notorious."
'Forget safety. Live where you fear to live' definitely applies to this place.
It's abandoned - two SW style shotgun shacks, outside Mojave Ca., seemingly surrounded by prickly pears.
Beware all ye who enter herein!
I won't try and add much to Rumi's words, but how bout another photo?
Here's another shotgun shack image, i titled it 'End of the Grid'.

And the B&W montage i did, which expands on the idea, end of the grid. The wire comes in from the left, the shack fades out to the right, dissolves into the desert.

That's all for now, i'll be back.. after this crazy thing called 'turkey day'.