Saturday, April 30, 2016



So what is holding this mysterious stack of stones above the water?
Are they vibrating in some way, to stay afloat??
Or is the vibration keeping them afloat?
I am no scientist, but there are many paradoxes in the world.
Our bodies seem solid enough, but they are 60 % water.
(check me on this one, the percentage might be higher!)

To quote wikipedia:

"The vast majority of cells in the human body are not human at all; rather they are of bacteria, archaea, and methanogens such as Methanobrevibacter smithii. The largest proportion of these form the gut flora."

And all these molecules that make all this up?
Neutrons, protons and whatever else, all spinning around.......
We aren't what we seem to be. (What else is?)

On the topic of stacking stones?

(I shot this many years ago on, on Ocean Beach, SF CA, the south end)

And someone at High Country News has a comment:

My advice to this writer? - humans have been altering the planet since we crawled out of a cave. 
It ain't gonna stop, ever. " 'Til death do us part". A few stones stacked isn't much to get excited about.

Grow up, get over it.

If you like my photomontage work?
Check out the books i have published, put up on Amazon:

'California beach trip' -

'Desert Trip'

Thanks for tuning in - I'll be back, for sure.

Sunday, April 17, 2016


What is this blog about? In a nutshell, it's about black and white darkroom photomontage. Every few weeks, a new image with a few words about it, kinda poetic, philosophical. 
For more details - check out the archive, the first post, April 26, 2015.
If you like what you see here, go to:

A driftwood sculpture in the sand. You are looking in a mirror of sorts - this is you, me, us all.
Composed of haphazard pieces, aren't we all? 
A man, a woman, some warm moments, & nine months later, here you are. 
Some years later (hopefully many) there you go. 
"Dust to dust, ashes to ashes, we all fall down."
Between the beginning and the end? ...try to act well, be a credit, not a deficit, to this human endeavor.
It's a huge and merciless universe, we may well mean nothing.
But if we do mean anything? 
'Be part of the solution, not part of the problem' as the old 60's saying goes.
Is anyone watching? Is there a 'god'?

I think not, but just in case i am wrong?....

I'd prefer to do things right, such as i know 'right' to be.
Not just because it'll be better for me then, but because it makes me feel better now.
Immediate gratification, you ask?
No, not really. Only sort of.

If you like this image, you should check out my recently published book:

There's a 'see inside the book' preview so you can check it out a bit before you reach for that credit card.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Temporary homes

What is this blog about? In a nutshell, it's about black and white darkroom photomontage. Every few weeks, a new image with a few words about it, kinda poetic, philosophical. 
For more details - check out the archive, the first post, April 26, 2015.
If you like what you see here, go to:

Everything in the image is very short lived.
The ripples in the sand? Revised by the next tide.
The holes in the rock in the upper left?
Made by mollusks, with a spiral pattern of razor sharp blades on their shell.
They burrow in a clay-like rock, live for a while, then die, and leave their 'home' behind.
In the center, a shark egg casing. Momma gives this birth, baby lives here a short while, then it splits open, baby is free, and on it's own, the casing discarded.
At the the right, a 'by the wind sailor' - a gelatinous and almost transparent thing that usually floats out on the open ocean, it's sail is pushed by the wind. Once in a while, the wind and tides change, and masses of them are thrown onto the shore, making one very slippery mess to walk on.
Not just a temporary home, but a temporary life.

Everything is temporary...

This image is included in a book i did that's now for sale on Amazon, titled 'California Beach Trip". I'm quite proud of it - I got an Amazon sellers acct., so there is a 'see inside the book' link so you can taste the rest of the book, half a dozen images.

Here's the cover:

Stop in again in a couple of weeks - there's a skeleton in my closet that might amuse you!