Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year!

I hope i always keep this saying, or prayer as it is called, close to heart.

The Serenity Prayer is the common name for a prayer written by the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971). The best-known form is:

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference."

Hope you enjoy my Year End portfolio!

Who knows what the future will bring.

Let's go there anyway, we have no choice, do we?

Monday, December 25, 2017

That time of year again

You can see Mr. Claus' presence in the Mojave:

Have a great holiday season - i got plenty up my sleeve
for 2018.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

A secret cove, a revelatory walk....

Continuing on with the theme of sand...

"When you look back at the most difficult times in your life 
and see only one set of footprints in the sand, 
it’s because I was carrying you.

When also in the sand there’s a pretty great sand castle, 
at least for someone who isn’t a professional sand-castle builder, 
that was me, too."

"Far from perfect" doesn't make it unenjoyable by any means.

The world, your life, the beach sand - all a blank canvas.

Treat all with care.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Driftwood Skeleton

'Dust to dust, ashes to ashes, we all fall down".
Or become driftwood, & after that, wandering molecules looking for a new home.
Jim Morrison put it more bluntly: 'No one here gets out alive'.

After many years of making darkroom photomontage (since the late 80's), and not being able to get arrested for it except for a few appearances in competitive group shows, and some assignment illustrations in various magazines ....I am designing & publishing books I make at Blurb with 'Bookify' - two of them are on Amazon, one is at Blurb.

TN in: BB stuff 2/BB_Books All info

'California Beach Trip':
On Amazon:

'Desert Trip'
On Amazon:

'Seeking the Vibe'
On Blurb:

Previews of all at:

Saturday, October 7, 2017

'Only an empty bucket can be refilled'

“Silence is the language of god, 
all else is poor translation.”

“What you seek is seeking you".

“Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing there is a field.
I'll meet you there".

The author of the above? 

Monday, September 4, 2017

Beach Mirage

I did this darkroom print really quickly, simply - wasn't much impressed w/ the result immediately, but it has grown on me. Who is this huge figure in the distance, coming thru a misty tunnel?

Is this the begining of a zombie apocalypse movie?
Or something more benevolent?

Above, digital coloring

The source image for this, made at Ocean Beach, SF, CA., was on this roll/film.

The place is a magnet for anyone looking for an enlightening refreshing experience without having to go very far at all. I lived in SF from '92-2001, i spent many a dollar on bus fare going to and fro. That's all it took, a buck, RT ticket.

At the west side of town, it extends south for miles. It's landmark structure - Cliff House - has undergone numerous renovations. The Sutro Baths was a huge vault of a place, that took in ocean water in a controlled way for a frothy cold bath. Above both of those, Sutro Gardens. Adolf Sutro liked to name places after himself. The ruins of the Bath House still take in hi-tide seawater, a path north leads to several viewpoints, and trails lead down treacherous land to rocky beaches.

The same set-up - the glassy surface of wet sand - made for a roll or two of the waves, rippling back and forth against each other, very late in the day. It became the cover image for one of my books.

'Seeking the Vibe'

Hope you're enjoying the sand - there's plenty left - Stop in again!

Friday, July 21, 2017

More sand... and recording devices

The sand is a constant recording device.

It is washed clean with the the next high tide.

The earth itself is a recording device.

But you'd need to talk to a geologist to decipher it, and get an explanation. 
And it would only be temporary, geology is always open to revision.

Let's enjoy our short time here.

Climate change is for real.

We are polluting the planet beyond beyond any immediate repair.


Saturday, June 24, 2017

More sand - an Ocean Beach sculptor is at work

So here's this chunk of quasi-sandstone, fallen off a crumbling cliff at the beach. Someone has decided it's face is a canvas, so they carve - a palm tree.
Sand is a long time in the making, and has a long life cycle.
I remember my Mom taking us three kids to uncounted destinations in Maine north of us, and on the way back we stopped many times at 'The Rock Shop'. No music here, just rocks, of all kinds. There was always a tumbler at work. Nature has a tumbler too - it's called the ocean.

On a more serious note:
Excellent article, read it.
BTW, if you like the image at the top of the page 
(which was done in a traditional chemical darkroom and then handcolored), 
you should check out my website:

After many years of making darkroom photomontage (since the late 80's), and not being able to get arrested for it except for a few appearances in competitive group shows, and some assignment illustrations in various magazines ....I am designing & publishing books I make at Blurb with 'Bookify' - two of them are on Amazon, one is at Blurb.

'California Beach Trip':
On Amazon:

'Desert Trip'
On Amazon:

'Seeking the Vibe'
On Blurb:

Previews of all at:

I haven't run out of sand images quite yet....... stop in again :-)

Friday, June 2, 2017


...and a love declared.

Humans use the sand as a canvas. (Check out April 18 post too.)

The only limit is imagination.
Personally, i think mother nature is a whole lot more creative.

Monday, May 15, 2017

More sand...

..and two micro-climates. You might not be familiar w/ the term, i don't know where else it is used except in The SF Bay area. A typical summer's day? In western SF, the fog is socked in, temp = 55 degrees.  A mile or so to the east in the business district and what's called 'soma' = 'south of market', it's sunny, mild and 25 degrees warmer.

Delicately sculpted sand encloses a distant view, fog curling over the hills.

The sax player is busking at Ocean Beach's Cliff house.
 Fog is teasing him, sand encases him, sort of.

Here's a better view of that fog burnin' off. It's magical :-)

And to finish things off, two 'walkin' images.

Check out my self-published books:
California Beach Trip:

Interested in learning how i do photomontage?

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Smooth wet sand, Ocean Beach, San Francisco

Wet sand on a beach at low tide becomes a canvas.

.... which then becomes a maze? or perhaps a map? 
Much of life is a matter of 'it's all in the eye of the beholder'. 
Is the glass half empty or...?
Is it a map to the way out (or in?)... or a maze to become lost in?
And where does the ladder go?

The artist shows up when conditions are right, which probably isn't often.

This is the cover of my self published book:

That same wet sand is a canvas for very shallow waves that bounce off each other, creating a network of ripples.

'Seeking the Vibe'
On Blurb:

And of course there's much, much more at my website: