Sunday, July 31, 2016

Dunes Music

What is this blog about? In a nutshell, it's about black and white darkroom photomontage. Every few weeks, a new image with a few words about it, kinda poetic, philosophical. 
For more details - check out the archive, the first post, April 26, 2015.
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Also check out my self-published books:
California Beach Trip:

Do you think perhaps artists might be able to make images that say something about the world that they are not even aware of? Do we somehow manage to channel a deeper source?

Far be it for me to claim such, but...I printed this over 20 years ago, for 2 reasons:

1 - A walk on the beach is full of all kinds of music, the surf, the waves, the wind, the sand - they all sing a song, carry a tune of sorts.

2 - The organ pipes blended nicely into the columns of eroded sand.

I printed this image long before i heard about 'singing sands'.

"Singing sand dunes, an example of the phenomenon of singing sand, produce a sound described as roaring, booming, squeaking, or the "Song of Dunes". This is a natural sound phenomenon of up to 105 decibels, lasting as long as several minutes, that occurs in about 35 desert locations around the world. The sound is similar to a loud low-pitch rumble. It emanates from crescent-shaped dunes, or barchans. The sound emission accompanies a slumping or avalanching movement of sand, usually triggered by wind passing over the dune or by someone walking near the crest."
"At roughly 30 locations around the world, sand dunes seem to sing, producing haunting and baffling sounds. Marco Polo noticed the phenomenon in the Gobi Desert. Ancient travelers have heard it in the Sahara. Even Charles Darwin puzzled over it in the Chilean desert. For centuries, no one was able to explain why it happens. Now, engineers Melany Hunt and Christopher Brennen of the California Institute of Technology are on the case. Their theory is that the booming sand dunes act like enormous musical instruments."

Hhmmmm... the world is a pretty interesting place, ain't it?
let's hope we don't destroy it all too soon.

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